
Audio film, audio play and dubbing

„FORM EINER FRAGE / bout the Concrete“

Audio Play-Installation.

Late at night in Vienna. A car drives along the empty pedestrian promenade Praterhauptallee, takes the pedestrian underpass and rams into a few garden chairs of a bar. It thereby comes to a halt in front of its window, in center of the large roundabout Praterstern. The driver and his companion aim to continue to search for the on-ramp to the highway.

Four witnesses recall the evening. At the same time, their narratives are marked by contradictions; the shifts eventually disintegrate into three different endings. While what had happed continues to lie in the dark, it was the interpretation of an outcome, that has shaped each respective narrative.

The radio play was installed over several weeks in 2005 in a walk-in car at Vienna's Praterstern.

Speakers: Tano Bojankin, Axel Wagner, Martin Wagner, Tina Weber.

Editing: Martina Lunzer Brem (Mina Lunzer) with Barbara Kaiser.



Filmic translation of the audio play. With accompanying booklet.

For the short film "SYJETTES", based on the audio piece "Form einer Frage / Bout the Concrete", the original voices of the four speakers were incorporated by a range of performers. With each change of initial voice, however, there is a switch between three visual points, surrounding the initial scene: the Ferris wheel; the showcase of the amusement park, the roof of a high-rise building. Historical newsreel reports tell about the place from off-screen.

Directing, Concept, Production: Mina Lunzer
Camera: Victor Jaschke, Michael Poetschko/Chui Yong Jian 
Language: German/Russian, English Subtitles
Running time: 14 Min. 
Performers: Voice of Axel: David Moises, David Kellner Tina: Claudia Linder, Renate Christian, Djana Covic Martin: Klaus Taschler, Stefan Geissler, Schandor Rieder Tano: Thomas Freiler, Willi Landl


Accompanying booklet “Bildverlust, Teil 2 Zwischen Hörfilm und Kino”, with DVD

Design: Michael Jung
Editor: Mina Lunzer


Voices on the work

Lunzer appropriates old and new media to explore how their inherent rules participate in determining a certain representation of reality.
(Fulltext, German Version)

Sabeth Buchmann, in the context of the work’s nomination for the Vilém Flusser Theory Award.

"In her film, Mina Lunzer traces the profoundly human practice of using language to create identity and coherent reality. The narration of an accident in the middle of the Praterstern from many perspectives makes clear how shifts and changes creep into the fixation of the supposedly factual. The reenactment of witnessing further underscores Lunzer's practice of approaching the documentary with the means of fiction. Where gaps open up, stories take the place of the incompletely reconstructed. What remains are the stories around a central scene in Vienna."

Thomas Ballhausen, Filmarchiv Austria.


Vilém Flusser Theory Award (nomination). Vilém Flusser Archiv. Transmediale Berlin (2010).

Appreciation Award for the diploma SYJETTES. Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna (2009).




Event, DVD and book


“Vom akustischen Sehen, der Stimme im Film, der bildlosen Doku und dem Dunkel im Hörstück. (…)

Hörspiel hören, Schafe sticken

(‘Hörschaf’) Event Performance

“Es sind gerade die Überschneidungen, die dem Hörspiel das „typisch funkische“ genommen haben. (…)


Wenn das Licht ausgeht…’, Radio plays - A film history. In: RAY Filmmagazin, Mai/2004, S. 76–79.
Sprachverwirrung’, History of synchronization, part 1/2: In: RAY Filmmagazin, Sept/2004.
Was für ein Job, Baby!’, History of synchronization, part 2/2 In: RAY Filmmagazin, Okt/2004.
Der Dritte Mann’, Dubbing in European comparison. In: RAY Filmmagazin, Mai/2004, S. 84–85.
VJ was?’ VJing in Austria. In: RAY Filmmagazin, Dec/2003, p: 26-30