2003—2009 Journalistic Contributions (Selection)

For e.g. artmagazine, The Auteurs/Mubi, .copy, Falter, Ray Filmmagazin, Der Standard und Senses of Cinema.


Film: Audioplay and Dubbing

Wenn das Licht ausgeht…’, Radio plays - A film history. In: RAY Filmmagazin, Mai/2004, S. 76–79.

Sprachverwirrung’, History of dubbing, part 1/2: In: RAY Filmmagazin, Sept/2004.

Was für ein Job, Baby!’, History of dubbing, part 2/2 In: RAY Filmmagazin, Okt/2004.

Der Dritte Mann’, Dubbing in European comparison. In: RAY Filmmagazin, Mai/2004, S. 84–85.

VJ was?’ VJing in Austria. In: RAY Filmmagazin, Dec/2003, p: 26-30

Film: Festival

Vienna’s Prater District on Film, or: Looking at the World Again’, Online: Senses of Cinema, Issue 50, 2009.

Coming to the World too late: A Retrospective on Gerbert Rappaport at the 2008 Diagonale Festival of Austrian Film’, Online: Senses of Cinema, Issue 47, 2008.

Void in the Voices: Viennale 2006’, review, with Barbara Wurm; Online: Senses of Cinema, Issue 42, 2007.

Social- und Science Reports

Zur umstrittenen Diagnose “PTSD”, In: Der Standard, Printausgabe 20.08.2008, S. 18.

‘Flo ist nicht allein’, Joke calls to the telephone counselling service for children and young adults. In: Falter, Stadtzeitung Wien, Vol. 11/2004, S. 70.

Ever get the Feeling?”, Curfew excesses in Great Britain, In: Touristen, Vol 1/2005, S.70—74.

Last Minute to Kalksburg’, Report on Europe's largest rehab clinic.In: Falter, Stadtzeitung Wien, Vol. 34/2003, S. 52–53.