The physiology of 'sleep' appears as a universal phenomenon. And yet, the very way in which sleep can be investigated - be it scientificall, clinically or artistically - has a profound influence on its meaning in the respective culture. Furthermore, it also brings about different conceptions of 'the dream'.
Starting from the assumption of an inseparable connection between object and representation, the work examines ‘sleep’ and ‘dream’ in 20th century sleep research as a continuation of a long image history.
Book/Conception, Directing: Mina Lunzer
Camera: Ute Freund
Support of Preliminary Research: Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur (Ö) Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung: Arbeitsstipendium (Ö), Stadt Wien (Ö), Kunsthochschule für Medien (D), ZKM Zentrum für Kunst und Medien, Karlsruhe (D).
Preliminary Exhibitions:
Galerie Mezzanin Vienna (As part of Curated By).
Ready to Sleep”, 03.10.–08.11.2014
Mit Félix González-Torres, Mina Lunzer, Jan Timme; curated by_Sabeth Buchmann
DOX Centre for Contemporary Art, Prague (2013).
Presentations to date (selection)
“Der Schlaf und das ‘Bewegte Bild’”. lecture with film examples. MUMOK, Wien. (2014)
V STS Italia Conference. conference presentation. Track: ‘A Matter of Design’. Milan, Italy. (2014)
‘The Past on Display: Museum, Film, Musealization’, York University, Toronto, Canada. Conference presentation and evening screening. (2011)
Talk „The Brain as a Camera Projector” with film examples, Academy of Media Arts Cologne, Germany (2011).
„Hills“. at the former Berlin Wall (2005).